The novel tells the story of a young boy, Ender Wiggin, who is sent to a training academy named Battle School, located in orbit above the Earth, built to train people to become soldiers that will one day battle against a vast aliens. Ender goes up there, trying his best to become promoted in the difficult training scheme; his brother and sister are trying to restore the world and to make it a better place. For Ender, the training is tough. He is granted a very special teacher, who will help him to become a commander to save humanity from the Third Invasion.
Ender's Game is a science fiction novel written by the American author Orson Scott Card. The book came from the short story with the same name, published in 'Analog Science Fiction and Fact' in 1977. Card later wrote more books to create the Ender's Game series. An updated version of Ender's Game was released in 1991, updating some political facts in the book to accurately reflect the era. Themes of the book are love, hate, prejudice, strength and courage.
Card was born on 24 August, 1951. He is an American author, critic, public speaker, essayist, columnist, and political activist. He has written books in several genres, but is primarily known for his science fiction. His novel "Ender's Game" and its sequel "Speaker for the Dead" (1986) both won Hugo and Nebula Awards. Thanks to this Card is the only author to win both top US prizes of Science Fiction in consecutive years.
We meet many characters in the book. We see Ender's family (which includes Ender, his mean brother Peter and his sister Valentine). Ender also meets lots of friends at Battle School, some of them being Petra, Bonzo, Bean, Alai, Dink, Crazy Tom, Hot Soup and Carn Carby. We also have Colonel Graff and many other people of authority, and even The Queen, fr. All of these people have different personalities.
Ender is brave, determined, but whether he is kind or mean changes as he progresses through Battle School. He likes to find consolation together with Valentine. On the opposite side, Peter is less friendly. If he was assigned the mission to kill someone, he might as well have done it. He even horrifies Valentine.