TEXT: So I was told at the time, well, there’s no education in this unit. No teacher has ever gone into this unit. So, of course, that made me want to get into that unit. I asked for permission from the administration and the warden at the time knew me and knew me to be, you know, a good college professor for many years. He literally opened that door for me and ended up inviting me to begin a voluntary program based on Shakespeare, which is my specialty, for these inmates that not only are the worst of the worst, at least in the eyes of the public, but more importantly, in my own eyes, they were the ones that needed education the most. They had the greatest need for education and for really any kind of programming and, ironically, they had the least available to them.
PART A: Which statement best explains why Bates teaches maximum-security prisoners?
A She strongly believes all people deserve a quality education.
B She felt a personal connection to the prisoners.
C She felt a sense of duty to take on the challenge despite reservations.
D She enjoys learning about and exposing herself to dangerous and risky
PART B: Which piece of evidence provides the best support for the answer to Part A?
A “…one of my students got in trouble and he was taken out of class and I started to
ask around… And my prisoner-students told me about this unit” ( Paragraph 8)
B “No teacher has ever gone into this unit. So, of course, that made me want to get
into that unit.” ( Paragraph 9)
C “these inmates that not only are the worst of the worst, at least in the eyes of the
public, but more importantly, in my own eyes…” ( Paragraph 9)
D “so here comes somebody from the street knocking on their cell door and saying,
hi, would you like to read some Shakespeare?” ( Paragraph 10)