The following questions are answered below.
Step-by-step explanation:
a. They have 14 chromosomes that occurs in 7 pairs which has X and Y sex chromosomes. They are diploid.
b. They have 7 pairs of chromosomes that includes X and Y sex chromosomes. They are diploid.
c. The last pair of chromosomes are the sex chromosomes. The previous pairs are called the autosomes.
d. If the Tasmanian devil has 14 chromosomes , then it is a boy. If the Tasmanian devil has 28 chromosomes , then it will be a female.
e. The one extra chromosomes are the egg or sperm that means three in fertilized egg. They are called as Trisomy.
f. The Tasmanian devil's will not get Down syndrome but some times there may be trisomy if there are three chromosomes instead of two.