¨An accident rooted in history¨ that showed that, when lifes are at stake, the ethical responsability is to take technical flaws seriously and not rely on presentations that present a perfect world.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Challenger accident of 1986 was caused by a failure in the O-rings sealing, and this was attributed to a design flaw. More alarming was the fact that, as early as 1977, NASA managers had not only known about the flawed O-ring but that it had the potential for catastrophe.
The Rogers Commission Report concluded that:
¨... failures in communication... resulted in a decision to launch 51-L based on incomplete and sometimes misleading information.
These are examples of not taking your ethical responsibilities seriously when technical engineers (from NASA´s contractor, Morton Thiokol) urged a delay but their concerns were not taken seriously and didn´t reach the Flight Readiness Review.
So PowerPoint presentations (by NASA scientists) might have been misleading and relying too much on presenting something on paper that should have been technically analysed.