8. _TRUE_ Anyone Stalin considered to be against him, with or without evidence, could be executed, imprisoned or sent to a gulag.
9. _FALSE_ The Cold War was a 45 year state of hostility in which the US and USSR had several direct
10. _FALSE_ The policy of containment was the main basis to the Roosevelt Doctrine against the USSR.
11. _FALSE_ The collapse of the Berlin wall is considered to be the end of the Cold War.
12. _TRUE_ The easing of hostility or strained relations between the Soviet Union and the US is known as
13. _FALSE_ The Bay of Pigs occurred as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
14. _FALSE_ The leader of the North Vietnamese against the US during the Vietnam War was Dien Bien Phu.
15. _TRUE_ The giving back of the War to South Vietnam by withdrawing American troups is knows as