1. Correct answer B.
separation that occurred through intimidation, violence, and unfair laws
2. Correct answer B.
They inspired similar protests in other cities and states.
3. Twenty-Fourth Amendment = ended poll taxes, which southern states used to prevent African Americans from voting
Civil Rights Act of 1964 = ended segregation in public places and discrimination in employment
Fair Housing Act of 1968 = prohibited discrimination in housing on the basis of race and other factors
Voting Rights Act of 1965 = prohibited state and local governments from discriminating against voters based on race
4. Black Power urged African Americans to unite as a political force, while Black Pride embraced African heritage, identity, and culture.
5. Black Panthers = patrolled African American neighborhoods; argued for jobs, housing, and education
Stokely Carmichael = wanted African Americans to unite as a political force; advocated black separatism; was chairperson of SNCC
Marcus Garvey = believed that African Americans should embrace their culture, heritage, and identity; advocated black separatism
Malcolm X = was part of the Nation of Islam; believed that violence in the face of violence was appropriate and justified
6. D. Kennedy’s vision was to extend the social and economic policies of the New Deal with a younger, more energetic administration.
7. Kennedy opened the door for Castro to defeat the insurgents.
8. D. increasing federal funding and reform for schools
9. Women were encouraged to work in factories and offices to take the place of men at war.
Many women returned to the home as housewives, although some worked part-time.
The percentage of women in the workforce steadily increased until about half of women worked at least part-time.
The Equal Pay Act (EPA) mandated that men and women in the same job must be paid equally.
10 A.Some people rebelled against traditional, patriarchal family structures. & D.
Hippies wore different clothes, lived closer to nature, and believed in peace.
11. re-establishing diplomatic relations with China
Lyndon Johnson
funded schools and educational programs
supported civil rights
Richard Nixon
expanded the use of federal block grants to states
created federal agencies such as OSHA and the EPA
Congress gives President Johnson the authority to use military force in Vietnam.
Congress reinstates the draft for men between 18 and 26 years old.
President Johnson begins large-scale bombing of North Vietnam.
The Tet Offensive from the North Vietnamese results in many casualties for U.S. troops.
14. .
The 26th Amendment is passed, lowering the voting age from 21 to 18.
15. Successes
The Endangered Species Act was designed to prevent the extinction of animal species.
The Clean Water Act was passed to protect rivers, lakes, and coastal waters.
Chemical waste was found to be polluting the Love Canal waters in New York, and the neighborhood had to be abandoned.
Pennsylvania suffered a nuclear accident at Three-Mile Island, which released radioactive gases into the atmosphere.
16. C opposition to the Vietnam war; dislike of material goods; attraction to music
17. Tet Offensive
18. to increase women’s engagement and interest in politics & to protect women from domestic violence and employment discrimination
19. The social and economic revolution of the farm workers is well underway and it will not be stopped until we receive equality. & but we’re willing to try new and unused methods to achieve justice for the farm workers.
The American Indian Movement (AIM) was formed in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
A group of American Indian activists occupied Alcatraz Island in San Francisco in order to build a cultural center, history museum, and spiritual sanctuary.
Government forces removed the last few holdouts of the activist group after 19 months.
AIM began a cross-country protest called the “Trail of Broken Treaties.”
This will get you a 100% on the practice test!! :)