There was a survey made in Michigan asking the residents if they were in favor of or against the creation of standards to limit pollution by CAFOs.
Using the results of the survey the student that conducted it estimated the population proportion of Michigan residents that are in favor of the creation of standards to limit pollution by CAFOs.
The calculated 95% CI is [0,7752; 0,8248]
Interpretation: With a 95% confidence level you'd expect that the interval [0,7752; 0,8248] will include the true population proportion of Michigan residents that are in favor of the creation of standards to limit pollution by CAFOs.
i.e. If you were to construct 100 confidence intervals, you'd expect 95 of them to contain the true value of the proportion of Michigan residents that are in favor of the creation of standards to limit pollution by CAFOs.
With this in mind:
Consider all of the following statements and determine which among them is incorrect
1) There is a 95% probability that the actual percent of Michigan residents in favor of pollution standards is between 77.52% and 82.48%. INCORRECT
2) Approximately 95% of MSU students favor pollution standards at a rate of 77.52% and 82.48%. INCORRECT
The confidence level is the probability that the interval will contain the true value of the parameter of interest and the bonds of the interval indicate the possible range of that parameter.
Also in 1) The parameter is not defined correctly, and in 2) the population of interest is incorrect.
3) If this study were repeated many times, we'd expect approximately 95% of future confidence intervals to contain the true rate at which Michigan residents favor the creation of pollution standards. CORRECT
4) With 95% confidence, we estimate the true rate at which Michigan residents favor the creation of pollution standards to be between 77.52% and 82.48%. CORRECT
I hope it helps!