Step-by-step explanation:
- CHARACTERISTICS : Plastids are double-membrane organelles that are found in the cells of plants and algae.
- Plastids are responsible for the manufacturing and storing of food.
- These often contain pigments that are used in photosynthesis and different types of pigments that can change the colour of the cell.
- Plastid is a membrane-bound organelle found in the cell of plants, algae and a few eukaryotic cells.
- FUNCTION : Plastids are the cytoplasmic organelles found only in plant cells. On the basis of pigments present, plastids are of three types:
- (i) Leucoplasts (colourless plastids)
- (ii) Chloroplasts (green coloured plastids)
- (iii) Chromoplasts (coloured plastids other than green).
- Leucoplasts are for storage of starch grain and oil drops. Such colourless plastids are present in underground roots, stems.
- Chloroplasts are mainly for photosynthesis. They are present in leaves.
- Chromoplasts are responsible for the characteristic colour of flower and fruit. They are involved in attracting insects, various vectors for pollination and for fruit dispersal.