Step-by-step explanation:
Dear School Board,
As someone who owns a phone there are many benefits to it like talking to people across the world sending and reciving mail in a snap of a finger. But in classroom where the top priority is to teach and educate the next generation I think that phones are a distraction due to the fact that a phone also contains games and other entertaining apps to keep students from doing their work. Cellphones also increase cyber bulling which is manly due to the fact that during high school you tend to care about what people say which can not only affect their grades but their mental health can also take a toll. School is not only a place for learning but is also a place where kids can socialize with each other and I think that cellphones will eliminate their need to talk to their classmates like when a group project is assigned instead of brain storming with each other all they need to do is take out their phones and get ideas off line which kills the creativity. Cheating also becomes a factor we have to take in mind because instead of passing notes like back in the day kids now just need to send a quick text about a question or go to the bathroom and send a text about a question and we wouldn't even know it affecting their ability to learn for themselves. In conclusion I see no reason why cellphones should be allowed into the classroom when it not only benefits the student in academic and social ways but it also allows us teachers to interact with our students but if they are always on their phones we as teachers would loose that privilege.