In Our Town, people are supposed to learn that life on earth should be lived to the fullest and enjoyed because when you die, you lose your chance for life, love, and happiness. In my opinion, this is a very stark contrast to the Bible, where we (Christians) are told that this world is not our home and not to get comfortable, but to be looking and watching and waiting for our Savior's return. Also, the obvious: Our Town’s view of death and a Christian's view of death is completely different. When a person dies, they do not just go to a graveyard where the dead souls just kind of linger, they either go to eternal punishment (hell), or they go to eternal rejoicing with God (heaven). If a person is a Christian (as in, they have trusted in Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection as the ONLY way for their salvation), they go to heaven when they die, and if they are not a Christian then they do not. Simple as that. I think that Our Town has very contrasting views with the Bible, as Christians should not get comfortable in this life, because we are only sojourners and pilgrims here.