using namespace std;
float groceryamount(float cost, int quantity, float taxrate, float *costbefortax, float *taxamount, float *costaftertax);
int main()
float cost, taxrate, costbefortax, taxamount, costaftertax,a,b,c;
int quantity;
printf("enter the cost of product");
printf("enter the quantity of product that required");
printf("enter the tax rate in percentage");
groceryamount(cost, quantity, taxrate, &costbefortax, &taxamount, &costaftertax);
printf("\\Total amount before tax = %f", costbefortax );
printf("\\ Total Tax Amount = %f", taxamount );
printf("\\ Total Amount After Tax Deduction = %f", costaftertax );
float groceryamount(float cost, int quantity, float taxrate, float *costbefortax, float *taxamount, float *costaftertax)
float a,b,c;
a= cost * quantity;
b= a * (taxrate/100);
c= a - b;
Step-by-step explanation:
The program has six variable that have different data types. Therefore the function data type is void. I use cost, taxrate, costbefortax, taxamount and costaftertax in float as all these values could be in decimal. The quantity is usually in integer so I take it as int data type. cost before tax, tax amount and cost after tax has been calculated using function and returned to the main function.