Charlie's opinion of the Rorschach test changes in the story as :
"At first he thinks the tester is trying to trick him. Then he discovers there is nothing to the test."
Step-by-step explanation:
In the story, "Flowers For Algernon", Charlie is selected for a one of it's king surgery where doctors are trying whether one's intelligence can be increased by operating on the brain.
He is selected as he is otherwise a mentally dull person. After the surgery, he is being put through a series of tests, Rorschach being one of them.
When Burt tells him to view the inkblots and mention what he can see in them, Charlie gets confused as he can see nothing but abstract ink bolts.
In the process, he thinks this is a trick being played by the examiner, but yet is not able to view anything in the test.
This way, his opinion about the test changes, and rather gets frustrated as he feels he is not performing well in the test.