Land should be allocated the sum of $80,000.
Step-by-step explanation:
The ratio of land to building valued individually is 1 : 4 $(84,000 : 336,000).
This means that one-fifth (20%) of the total of $400,000 is allocated to Land based on the above ratio. This gives us $80,000 (20% of $400,000). Alternatively, we can still work with the cost savings of $20,000 and then deduct $4,000 (20% of $20,000) from the individual value of land.
The remaining four-fifth (80%) of the total of $400,000 goes to Building. This will give $320,000 (80% of $400,000). Alternatively, with the cost savings of $20,000 and applying 80% will give us $16,000 as cost saving to the Building to arrive at $320,000.