Buddhism can be a religion but it doesn't have to be. Buddhism is a set of principles and practices that demonstrably improve your life. No faith is necessary. You can believe in another religion or be an atheist and it still works.
The Four Noble Truths
1. Life means suffering
2. The origin of suffering is attachment
3. It is possible to end suffering through...
4. ...The Eightfold Path
The Eightfold Path
1. Right View (The Four Noble Truths)
2. Right Intention
a. Renunciation:
Resistance to desire
b. Goodwill:
Resistance to anger and aversion
c. Harmlessness:
Don't think or act cruelly, violently or aggressively
3. Right Speech
a. Tell the truth
b. Don't gossip
c. Don't use offensive or hurtful language
Step-by-step explanation: