
The above two is written in standard form:
Step 1: Remove the parenthesis:

Step 2: Focus on the equation with the parenthesis:

Step 3 and 4: Distribute the parenthesis and apply rules

Step 5: Now look at the whole thing:

Step 6: Move all the terms with variables to the right and constants to the right, group like terms:

Step 7: Add similar elements or terms :

Step 8: Add similar elements or terms :

Step 9: Add similar elements or terms:

Step 10: Add similar elements or terms:

Step 11: Add similar elements or terms:

Step 12 : ANSWER:

The standard from can be written as :

If x equals 2...
Same results
That is how you order constants in standard form. Always add a constant to the 0 power with a variable to make you have a better understanding.