Refer below.
Step-by-step explanation:
Marta - fourth
Woody - third
Sally - first
Mickey - second
Set up a matrix like this and wipe out situations as you find realities
Marta - first - second - third - fourth
Woody - first - second - third - fourth
Sally - first - second - third - fourth
Mickey - first - second - third - fourth
Marta " Mickey was first - in this manner Mickey was not first - kill first from Mickey's alternatives
Woody "I beat Sally" - along these lines Sally beat Woody - consequently Woody not first and sally not fourth . take out choices as needs be
Sally - "Marta beat Woody" - in this way Woody beat Marta. Consequently Marta not first and Woody not fourth
Mickey, "Woody was second", in this manner Woody was not second
The network presently resembles this
Marta - second - third - fourth
Woody - third
Sally - first - second - third
Mickey - second - third - fourth
Note that the main individual that can be First is SALLY
Woody is THIRD
Erase these choices from the other two
Marta - second - fourth
Woody - third
Sally - first
Mickey - second - fourth
Presently return to Sallys proclamation "Marta beat Woody", along these lines Marta didn't beat Woody, and as Woody is third it implies that Marta is fourth. This thusly implies Mickey is SECOND.
Last Solution
Marta - fourth
Woody - third
Sally - first
Mickey - second