Forward chaining is beginning with successful completion of the first step in a chain (prompted or unprompted) to access reinforcement. After the first step is mastered, the next steps are introduced in successive order, always beginning with the first step; step 1, steps 1-2, steps 1-2-3, steps 1-2-3-4, etc. The reinforcement for completion of one step is the introduction of the next step, and reinforcement is also given at the completion of the last step. Forward chaining would be best utilized when the initial steps are easier to complete, but the entire task is unlikely to be mastered without some repetition. Forward chaining may not be appropriate for tasks that need to be completed in the moment (everyone is hungry and you want to teach your son to make dinner, e.g.), as this method takes some patience and time. A task that would be appropriate to begin with when using forward chaining is_________.