to design and implement a new global IT infrastructure between the Baker Manufacturing Company data centers, I will need a Business Analyst , web developer, Software Engineer , Data processor, Front end and back end developers, UI/UX personnel, Cyber security specialist, networking engineer, maintenance engineer, testers, marketers and Administrative officer.
Step-by-step explanation:
The personnel outlined above will fit into the following sub units that will facilitate a seamless leadership on my end.
- Production: To design and create a new global IT infrastructure, the services of a web developer, software engineer, front end and back end developers, UI/UX personnel will come in handy.
- Operations : the supporting activities that efficiently maintain the IT infrastructure will be handled by Data processor, cyber security specialist, networking engineer and maintenance engineer.
- Administration : to ensure implementation and evaluation of the business’s plans/operations, i will supervise the project with an administrative officer supporting me.
- Marketing/sales: After the first draft, Testers and marketers will be deployed to effectively generate qualified leads and give us feedback/evaluation before we can adopt the design and make it ready for presentation.
References: (june 29, 2018 "the ideal structure for IT project team" https'//www.ciorsc/com)