34 base five to 34 base ten is 19.
Basically , In order to convert 34 from base 5 to base 10 , We skip consecutive 5 numbers after counting 5 numbers as shown below in table in base-5 table and , just increment 1 in base-10 table
Base- 5 Base-10
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
10 5
12 6
13 7
14 8
20 9
....... ....
34 19
34 base five to 34 base ten is 19.
Write the multiples of 5 (1,5,25,125,....) based on the no.of digits given. Then multiply and add to convert it into base 10
5 1
3 4
5 (3)+ 1(4) = 15+4 = 19