Answer: Yes
Step-by-step explanation: Notice that the fractions that we're comparing in this problem have different denominators. When fractions have different denominators they're called unlike fractions.
To compare unlike fractions, we must first get a common denominator.
The common denominator of 11 and 13 will be the least common multiple of 11 and 13 or 143.
To get a 124 in the denominator of 3/11, we multiply the numerator and the denominator by 13 which gives us 39/144.
To get a 144 in the denominator of 3/13, we multiply the numerator and the denominator by 11 which gives us 33/144.
Now we have like fractions since both of our fractions have the same denominator or bottom number.
To compare them, simply look at the top numbers.
Since 39 is bigger than 33, 39/144 is greater than 33/144.
This means that 3/11 is bigger than 3/13.