31 pairs.
Step-by-step explanation:
The group of mixed nerves which connects the spinal cord with other organs and structures of the body are called spinal nerves. They are branches of the PNS together with the cranial nerves. They are mixed because of bundles of sensory nerves which enters the spinal cord at the dorsal roots as afferent neurons and motor nerves which exit at the ventral roots as efferent neurons .
Thus they function in conveying input signals(sensory), output signals(motor) to and fro the spinal cord en route the brain respectively
They are 31 pairs in number, and are arranged on each side of spinal cord , dangling from each segment of the vertebral column .They are named based on the segments of the vertebrae column where they originated from,Thus based on this we have the 8-Cervical nerves, from the cervical vertebrae, 12-Thoracic from the thoracic vertebrae, 5-Lumbar nerves from the Lumbar segments, 5-Sacral nerves and the 1-Coccygeal nerves from the Coccygeal segments. (Totalling 31 on each side)