C. Initially, the mouse and human proteins were confined to their own halves of the newly formed hybrid cell, but over time, the two sets of proteins became evenly intermixed over the entire cell surface. This suggests that proteins, like lipids, can move freely within the plane of the bilayer.
Step-by-step explanation:
Due to the fact that a membrane is a two-dimensional fluid, a lot of its proteins, as it is seem in lipids, can flow without obstruction in the plane of the bilayer. This lateral diffusion was at first illustrated by analysing the fusion of a mouse cell to a human cell to produce a big, hybrid cell and then follow up the dispersion of specific mouse and human plasma membrane proteins. In the start up, the mouse and human proteins are restricted to their respective halves of the just produced hybrid cell, but in the space of half an hour or so, the two groups of proteins are noticed to be equally combined over the whole cell surface.