2 votes

1) Assume there is a variable , h already associated with a positive integer value. Write the code necessary to count the number of perfect squares whose value is less than h , starting with 1 . (A perfect square is an integer like 9 , 16 , 25 , 36 that is equal to the square of another integer (in this case 3*3 , 4*4 , 5*5 , 6*6 respectively).) Assign the sum you compute to a variable q For example, if h is 19 , you would assign 4 to q because there are perfect squares (starting with 1 ) that are less than h are: 1 , 4 , 9 , 16 .


2) Assume there are two variables , k and m , each already associated with a positive integer value and further assume that k 's value is smaller than m's. Write the code necessary to compute the number of perfect squares between k and m . (A perfect square is an integer like 9 , 16 , 25 , 36 that is equal to the square of another integer (in this case 3*3 , 4*4 , 5*5 , 6*6 respectively).) Associate the number you compute with the variable q . For example, if k and m had the values 10 and 40 respectively, you would assign 3 to q because between 10 and 40 there are these perfect squares: 16 , 25, and 36 ,.


3) In the following sequence, each number (except the first two) is the sum of the previous two numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... . This sequence is known as the Fibonacci sequence.

We speak of the i'th element of the sequence (starting at 0)-- thus the 0th element is 0, the 1st element is 1, the 2nd element is 1, the 3rd element is 2 and so on. Given the positive integer n , associate the nth value of the fibonacci sequence with the variable result . For example, if n is associated with the value 8 then result would be associated with 21.

1 Answer

6 votes



h = 19 # h is already assigned a positive integer value 19

i = 1 # used to calculate perfect square

q = 0 # stores the sum of the perfect squares

while q < h:

# this loop executes until value of number of perfect squares is less than h

q = q + (i*i) # to calculate the sum of perfect squares

i = i + 1 # increments i by 1 at every iteration

print(q) # displays the sum of perfect squares



Step-by-step explanation:

Here we see that the sum of the perfect square is printed in the output i.e. 30. If we want to assign value 4 to q then we should alter the code as following:

h = 19

i = 1

sum_of_ps = 0


while sum_of_ps < h:

sum_of_ps = sum_of_ps + (i*i)

q = q + 1

i = i + 1


If you want to take input from the user and also display the perfect squares in output you can use the following code:

h = int(input('Enter the value of h: ')) #takes value of h from user

i = 1

sum_of_ps = 0


while sum_of_ps < h:

sum_of_ps = sum_of_ps + (i*i)

print(i*i) #displays the perfect squares of h

q = q + 1

i = i + 1

print(sum_of_ps) #displays sum of perfect squares

print(q) #displays number of perfect squares whose value is less than h









# k and m are already assigned positive integers 10 and 40

k = 10

m = 40

i = 1 # i is initialized to 1

q = 0 # q stores the number of perfect squares between k and m

while i*i < m: # loop computes perfect square of numbers between k and m

if i*i > k:

q = q + 1 # counts the number of perfect squares

i = i + 1 #increments the value of i at each iteration

print (q) # prints the no of perfect squares between k and m

If you want to display the perfect squares too use , add print(i*i) statement after if statement if i*i > k:




def Fibonacci(n): # method Fibonacci which has an integer parameter n

if n <= 1: # if the value of n is less than or equals to 1

result = n # stores the value of n into result

elif n > 1: # else if the value of n is greater than 1

result = Fibonacci(n-1) + Fibonacci(n-2)

# calls Fibonacci method recursively to associate nth value of Fibonacci #sequence with variable result

return result #returns the final value stored in result variable


#calls Fibonacci function and passes value 8 to it



User Jasonwryan
5.9k points