The answers are A)176 B)44 C)56.
Step-by-step explanation:
According to the information given in the question about the architecture that is used and its communication times;
For option A: The goal is to retrieve one cache block which consists of 16 words. Doing this one word at a time over a period of 16 main memory accesses and the miss penalty for this configuration is 10*16 = 160 bus clock cycles for data transfer and 1*16 = 16 bus clock cycles for memory transfer time which comes up to 176.
For option B: The goal is to retrieve one cache block which consists of 16 words. Doing this four words at a time over a period of 4 main memory accesses and the miss penalty for this configuration is 10*4 = 40 bus clock cycles for data transfer and 1*4 = 4 bus clock cycles for memory transfer which comes up to 44.
For option C: The goal is to retrieve one cache block which consists of 16 words. Doing this 4 words at a time over a period of 4 main memory accesses and the miss penalty for this configuration is 10*4 = 40 bus clock cycles for data transfer and 1*16 = 16 bus clock cycles for memory transfer since words of the block are transferred not 4 but 1 at a time which comes up to 56.
I hope this answer helps.