132 parcels
The total amount of parcel they have to deliver is 528 parcels.
Meanwhile, Jane has three times as many parcels as Mo. This means if to say Mo has x parcels, then Jane has 3x parcels.
Now we need to know what is x’s worth in amount of parcels.
x + 3x = 528
4x = 528
x = 528/4
x = 132 parcels
So this means Mo has 132 parcels and Jane has 3(132) parcels = 396 parcels
Now, we are told that Jane gave some parcels to Mo and they now have equal number of parcels. To get the number of parcels given, we need to know the even division of the total 528 parcels. Hence , we divide 528 by 2 and this yields 264 parcels
Now for them to have equal number of parcels, they must have 264 parcels each.
Since Mo now has 264 parcels, the number of parcels given to her would be 264 - 132 = 132 parcels
Hence we say that Jane gave Mo 132 parcels