Answer: Industrial revolution put scientific revolution into practice. In other words industrial revolution is the result (one of the results) of the scientific revolution or consequence of scientific revolution. It was initiated in Britain in mid-18th century and later spread in continental Europe. It had a very close connection to 1) new kind of economy (capitalism) and 2) new kind of society (modern society in contrast to traditional society). Industrial revolution changed the way of production ....until then production of goods took place on fields and manufacturies but as a consequence of this revolution, a new phenomenon was introduced: a factory. Of course, all that changed a structure of human society and lifestyle of majority of people.
Explanation: Industrial revolution became an impuls of many new phenomena - industrial society, capitalism, in accelerated colonization and strenghtened imperialism, it stimulated nationalism, it was closely connected to urbanization. Together with scientific revolution it severed ties with older traditional society and its typical institutions. One of the products of this revolution was idea of progress.