1. In the sky appeared a falling star.
A falling star appeared in the sky
2. On the floor was broken glass.
There was broken glass on the floor
3. Scampering across the kitchen counter was a mouse.
There was a mouse scampering across the kitchen floor.
4. In the field grazed a flock of sheep.
A flock of sheep grazed in the field
5. Perched in the cage was a brightly colored talking parrot.
The brightly colored, talking parrot was perched in the cage.
6. Flying over the trees were several birds.
Several birds were flying over the trees.
7. On the playground there are no children.
There are no children on the playground
8. From the kitchen came the smell of cookies.
The smell of cookies came from the kitchen
9. From the team players came the shout of victory.
A shout of victory came from the team of players.
10. In the pageant were beautiful young girls.
There were beautiful young girls in the pageant.