The statement can be expressed as
There are two different students in your class who have visited the same websites.
Given that
- W(x, y) mean that student x has visited website y.
- The domain of x consists of all students in your school
- The domain of y consists of all website.
It would help to know the meaning of the symbols used, this will help understand the statement better.
- ∧ means conjuction
- ∃ means 'there exists'
- ∀ means 'for all'
- ≠ means 'different from'
- ↔ means 'if and only if'
The statement
∃x∃y∀z((x ≠ y) ∧ (W(x, z) ↔ W(y, z)))
can be expressed as:
There are two different students in your class who have visited the same websites.