We can compare South Korea and Ukraine
Step-by-step explanation:
South Korea began to transition to capitalism, from feudalism, shortly after the Korean War. It had the support of the United States, but the country was extremely poor, and reaching the status of advanced economy it has today required grueling work from the populace. The country was a dictatorship until the 1980s, and capitalism was not combined with democracy and civil liberties during all those years.
It can be said that the country is in an advanced stage of capitalism.
Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, therefore, its transition, from socialism, to capitalism, began in 1991. However, the country has been controlled by a corrupt political elite that colludes with a few oligarchs to amass most of the country's wealth. Nowadays, Ukraine is the second-poorest country in Europe (after Moldova), and has not seen much development ever since the Soviet Union collapsed.
It can be said that the country is in an intermediate stage of capitalism, because, while poor, it has a considerable amount of physical assets, and its very fertile land provides surplus agricultural production.