Miguel y Maru están muy cansados. - Miguel y Maru están cansadísimos
Felipe es muy joven. - Felipe es jovencísimo
Jimena es muy inteligente. - Jimena es inteligentísima
La madre de Marissa está muy contenta. - La madre de Marissa está contentísima
Estoy muy aburrido. - Estoy aburridísimo
Step-by-step explanation:
In this activity we have to switch the statements to the absolute superlative of the expressions. In Spanish we can add the suffix -ísimo to an adjective to refer to the highest degree of something. It can be translated in ENglish to "really, extremely, super or quie". The statements in English are:
- Miguel and Maru are very tired - Miguel and Mary are extremely tired
- Felipe is very young - Felipe is super young
- Jimena is very smart - Jimena is really smart
- Marissa´s mother is very happy - Marissa´s mother is extremely happy
- I´m very bored - I´m super bored