Step-by-step explanation:
To Chris, or "Supertramp" as he refers to himself, sees modern society as evil and full of rules. He plans a trip to the wilderness of Alaska, believing that he could live by his own set of rules, free from all outside influences. He keeps a journal proving that many of the answers he was searching for were indeed found. Others questions were left unanswered as the "lone wolf" mentality proves a deadly concept in the end. though he believes in helping others with their own needs, he selfishly "runs off" from the world (including his immediate family) to be free with nature or as he puts it "Ultimate Freedom!!"
McCandless, finds authority as being completely oppressive driving the need to "break free" in total isolation. He longs to have no responsibility or obligation for anyone other than himself. These beliefs of his closely mirror the ideals and values of Transcendentalism as Transcendentalists believe that their "intuition" drives a power to learn from nature. That they are closer to God when they become one with their outside habitat. They believe, as did Chris, that their own physical senses empowered them to be free from all rules, regulations, by laws, and authorities.
Hope this helps. Good luck and God bless. Jeremy