Answer: Awakening of national identity. The people are the state politics and Napoleon.
Step-by-step explanation:
- The end of the French Revolution brought with it some changes not only in France but the whole world. When we talk about the reflections of the revolution of modern France, there are several facts in this context. The first is the awakening of French national consciousness. This sense of national belonging and pride is still strongly expressed today by the French. Creating such a feeling will spread from France to many other countries. The French still celebrate the revolution and the revolutionary movement from the end of the eighteenth century onwards. Even today, national festivals are being organized to that effect. Many songs are sung as a sign of celebration, and the French national anthem of Marseilles dates back to this period.
- Napoleon Bonaparte was directly involved in the course of the revolution. At the outset, he distinguished himself as a capable warlord and demonstrated his abilities as a person on the side of revolutionary ideas. Because of his skills and role, he quickly stood out. After the revolution, he became one of the most influential people in France. Numerous European armies will conquer their operations. The people of France during the Napoleonic heyday will adore the character and work of this famous warlord.