1. Buffer could be overflowed when input entered by user in command line is greater than size 12 it may of size 13 or larger.
for example: when user enters the string 'dolatsinghsodha' than the size of that string stored in bar variable will be 15 as it not size bounded but when it stored in MyArray[12] than it will overflow the buffer for array because MyArray[] is input bounded to maximum 12 characters.
2. There are two ways to prevent buffer overflow
i) make bar varaible input bounded to 12 characters or
ii) assign MyArray[] size at dynamic time
or change code to following state:
void simple (char *bar) {
int a=bar.length
char MyArray[a];
strcpy(MyArray, bar); // copies bar in MyArray --> Myarray==bar }
but it in not possible in some languages and platforms
or we can ask user