1. Sedimentary rocks can be formed from metamorphic rock that has been lifted - TRUE.
2. Igneous rocks are classified by its color and chemical composition - FALSE. (mineral)
3. Changes in temperature, erosion and chemical fluids are part of the formation of metamorphic rocks from pre existing rocks - FALSE. (pressure)
4. The banding on igneous rocks results from dark and light mineral grains - FALSE (metamorphic)
5. Sediment results from the forces of wind, water, ice and gravity - TRUE.
6. Granite is an example of sedimentary rock - FALSE (igneous)
7. One difference between granite and basalt is mineral composition - TRUE
8. Magma can cool on Earth's surface - TRUE
9. The layering in sedimentary rock forms from sediment deposits - TRUE
10. Volcanic glass forms when lava cools slowly - FALSE (rapidly)
11. Foliation is present in metamorphic rock - TRUE
12. Igneous rock formation begins with surface process that break down rocks - TRUE
13. Lava cools quickly because it is exposed to air below earth's surface - FALSE (above)