Termination/ Project Close Phase
Step-by-step explanation:
There are 5 stages in Project management; they include - Conceptualisation, Planning, Execution, monitoring and then termination/Project Close
Project Conceptualisation represents the beginning of every project and the task is a broad definition of the project. The feasibility study of the project is carried out and once the project has been determined to be feasible or worth undertaken, the project can proceed to the second phase/stage
Planning this stage represents the process of developing the roadmap for the execution of the project, the specific goals and objects are developed and concepts such as SMART goals and CLEAR goals are used to clearly define the project
Execution this phase represents the stage of action; the team to work on the project is assembled, the various tasks are assigned, locations are verified and work begins, resources are assigned, tracking systems are also put in place.
Montitoring/Review - The goal at this stage is to use various performance indicators or indices to measure and ensure that the results the project is generating is consistent with the planned goals and objectives for the project. If there are deviations, then actions are taken to align the results with the goals.
Termination - This stage represents either the completion or the termination of the project. Committees are put in place to evaluate the work done over the entire lifetime of the project. Essentially, the entire lifecycle of the project is reviewed at this stage to ensure that valuable takeaways and lessons can be used to improve future projects.
Since, the committe are to present the result of their five-uear project to a bemused Dean, it signals the close or termination of the project.