Step-by-step explanation:
It’s always a good idea to start doing something new and implement it in the future as it can only bring us positive outcome and enrich us as individuals. Traveling is one of the best things in the world and I think there’s not a single soul who dislikes it. When it comes to learning a new language, or any new, positive skill, not only it makes us more educated but it challenges and stimulates our brain which leads to positive mental health.
It’s a myth that introverts are type of individuals who sit alone in a dark room and stalk people for a living. They are just very private people and they have uncomfortable feelings when it comes to being in a crowded room or simply being in the center of the attention. They live their life, like everybody does. They just decided they don’t want to share every step they make with everybody. They have close friends and family who they love, and all their attention is focused on them.
Mass production is easier to do, but it’s very unhealthy. It’s unhealthy to keep such a huge number of animals at one place who are artificially fed and kept literally one on another. They are under a lot of stress, their muscles spasm and they secrete many toxins. Let’s not talk about transportation and all the ugly things it carries along. Yes, it’s s bit pricey to eat organic food, but that’s something that contributes to the environment and those animals were once in their natural habitat and are a way healthier alternative.
Kids go to school way too early. They are sleepy, they are tired, they’re simply not ready to process and digest so many informations they absorb on the daily basis.
So, if you ask me, it’s a waste of time that school starts so early since it’s not productive period, yet school expects it and the change of that is not even in the far future. Brain functions the best around 10 am until 2 pm and that’s the period in which school should start.