The important part to understand about this problem is that you need to find a common denominator. You can ONLY add two fractions if they have the same denominator. A way to change the denominator of a fraction is to multiply the numerator and denominator of the fraction by the same number.
So, You want to make the 2/5n and 1/8n to have the same denominator so you can add them. An easy rule of thumb is multiply the one of the fraction by the other fraction's denominator, so in this problem:
this comes out as
16/40n and 5/40n
NOW, they have the same denominator and you can add the numerators together to make it one happy fraction
Then, for the 3/6, you can simplify this fraction into:
This is because if you divide the top and bottom of the fraction by 3 like so:
(Always make sure you do the same for the top as you do to the bottom)
This comes out as
Then for the full equation: