Leo is suffering from a condition known as obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Step-by-step explanation:
The obsessive-compulsive disorder refers to an anxiety problem characterized by intrusive, recurrent and persistent thoughts that might produce worry, concern, and repetitive actions or behavior, known as compulsions. These compulsions are directed to reduce the associated anxiety and to avoid that something bad occurs.
A pattern of thoughts and irrational fears -obsessions- that make the patient behave with repetitive actions -compulsions-, characterize this disorder.
These obsessions and compulsions interfere in daily activities and are the cause of anxiety and distress.
This disorder is expressed by different symptoms, such as obsessive cleaning, washing, ordering, accumulating, among others. The exposed example is the case of a verifying person who needs to verify everything to avoid a catastrophe. They need to check that doors are closed, or electro domestics are in their off mode.