If you notice that an officer is chasing or following you then the best thing to do would be to pull over by the side of the road where you wouldn't be causing a traffic jam or obstructing other cars.
Explanation: Since you used the word "pull over" I would assume you're driving. If you notice an officer trying to get to you, the best idea would be to stop and pull over. If the officer asks if you know why you're pulled over state that you don't and you assume he/she would tell you. Be polite but know your rights. Do not admit anything such as over speeding or anything that can implicate you as you are under no obligation to do so. If the officer asks if they could search your car refuse until you see a warrant. Most of the time if you are on the right side of the law (that is if you have all your car documents, your license, some form of ID and you haven't been drinking or doing drugs) you should be alright. Moreoveryou should be of age before you drive.