Viewpoint One:
Even though Americans claim to be busier than ever, their television watching hours have increased exponentially over the past decade. Some would see this trend as evidence for the increasing illiteracy and ignorance in American society, but I don't see the rise of television viewing as a negative. Instead, watching television has opened up the entire world to every person's living room. The television is actually democracy in action by allowing the same information available to every viewer.
Viewpoint Two:
Some say that we are living in the era of Golden television with new prestige series premiering every week. Regardless of this over-enthusiasm, though, the rise of television is not an unqualified good event. People are getting less involved in civic and charity events because they are rushing home to binge shows. Even worse, some of these shows present tasteless stories that continually degrade the discourse of the nation's popular culture. The next time you hear someone raving about her favorite show, ask yourself a few questions before joining into the fanfest.

 Which best expresses the difference between these two viewpoints?
A)Viewpoint Two would recommend watching more television, while Viewpoint One would recommend watching less.B)Viewpoint Two finds that television improves cultural dialogue, while Viewpoint One worries that television makes people more ignorant.C)Viewpoint One is generally negative about the effects of television, while Viewpoint Two is generally positive about what television can do.D)Viewpoint One believes that television can be a positive force for good, while Viewpoint Two sees television as a force of degradation in American society.