Mankind: The Industrial Revolution
Directions: Answer the following questions while watching the documentary.
1. Starting with the American Civil War, wars are now won by harnessing the power of __.
2. __ out of five factories in America are in the North.
3. Why does this give the North an advantage in the war? __
4. At this time, people embraced the idea of __.
5. In the US alone, __ patents in 40 years.
6. Japan had __ itself from the rest of the world for hundreds of years.
7. What famous company does Iwasaki found__.
8. The Titanic was built in __,
9. Mr. Goodyear works with __
and has a breakthrough when he adds __.
10. In the Congo, Belgium's __
has ruled over a brutal colonial government.
11. __ Congolese die in 15 years during this time.
12. Harris uses a new tool to reveal the Belgians' crimes in the Congo: __
13. __ kills one-third of those who die in World War I.
14. What substance does the bacteriologist discover? __
15. It is the world's first __.
Word Bank:
-10 million
-King Leopold isolated