A sentence from the body of this article that can be removed without affecting the author's explanation is, 'Americans were able to grow enough food for their families as well as to sell.'
Step-by-step explanation:
There are articles which are quite a long monologue that consist of details that are not really necessary. Such details increases the length of the articles thus making it boring for readers at times.
So if removing such unnecessary sentences does not affect author’s explanation, then there’s no harm in doing so. One such sentence from the excerpt is, ‘Americans were able to grow enough food for their families as well as to sell.’
This statement is understandable from the fact that, ‘Better farming methods and tools in the 1800s increased food production’, so when a reader reads this statement he doesn’t really need to known anything further because the conclusion of this statement in itself is,that American families were able to provide food for their families.