0.011 (taking till hundredth decimal value)
Given: 8 divided by 709.
Lets solve it by using long division.
![8/ 709](
Divisor is 709 and dividend is 8.
Now, while solving we will get quotient and remainder, if any.
As in this case 709 (divisor) is smaller number than 8 (dividend).
So, we need to take decimal in quotient to add zero with the dividend, which is again smaller than divisor, therefore we will take 0 also in quotient after decimal to add more zero with dividend, now dividend have value "800".
![800/ 709= 0.0](
In the next step, we will divide 800 by 709.
As we know,
![709* 1= 709\\709* 2= 1418](
As 709 is lesser than 800 and we don´t have value equal to 800 in the multiple of 709, therefor we will quotient as "1" .
![800/ 709=0.01](
Now, we have remainder
![800-709= 91](
we cannot divide 91 by 709, so we add zero to the dividend as we have already taken decimal.
∴ with remainder 91 and adding zero to it, make it
![910/ 709](
Now, we have
![910/ 709= 0.011](
As we know,
![709* 1= 709\\709* 2= 1418](
As 709 is lesser than 910 and we don´t have value equal to 9100 in the multiple of 709, therefor we will quotient as "1" .
∴ We have result as 0.011 (taking till hundredth decimal value)