Ancient Egypt has significantly contributed to the development of modern math. They had their own number system. in the field of science, they invented calendars and clocks. They also possessed the precious knowledge of how to construct huge ships for trade and commercial purposes.
Step-by-step explanation:
Ancient Egyptians used body parts for the measurement purposes. Decimal numeric system developed and gained fame in Egypt. They used ten fingers in order to understand the decimal system. written numbers used strokes, heel bone, lotus plant as a means to measure. Practical problems of trade helped Egyptians understand the concept of fractions. Pyramids and their construction is the best example that echoes the greatness of Egyptian mathematicians. In science they invented working with metals like gold and copper and they invented calendar and they were also well versed and pioneers in astronomy and medicine. they were the first to write records and preserve for future references. Ramp and lever were simple machines which were used to construct huge marvels called pyramids. They also possessed great knowledge in aerodynamics.