4 votes
Create a multi-media project that focuses on “Night” and two or three other historical events that you believe should never be forgotten. Please consider the following:

• Focus on remembering – what is it about this event that needs to be remembered. The event is not as important as why it needs to be remembered.
• Events from any point in history, up to and including current events.
• Events can be big or small, effecting the entire world or just a small community, such as wars, pandemics, natural disasters, community events or celebrations, etc.


This project will be broken up into three or four sections.
• Section 1 (required) – “Night”
o In his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech, Ellie Weisel stated, “if we forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices” and “To forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time.” His purpose for writing this novel was to help the world remember what had happened, to prevent it from happening again.
o Using the theme of remembering, analyze “Night.” How does the author support this theme throughout the novel? Provide textual evidence to help support and explain your analysis.
o Research is optional for this section. If you do additional research, you will need to include your sources in your Works Cited page.
o You will include the novel “Night” as a source on your Works Cited page.
• Sections 2 and 3 (Required) – Historical events of your choosing
o Choose a historical event (refer to information in the Assignment section.)
o Research this event to gather more information about it. You will be required to include your sources in a Works Cited Page.
o Include at least one source for each historical event.
o Briefly explain the event and its significance.
o Explain why this event needs to be remembered. What is it about this event that the world, or community must never forget?
 Refer to the Nov. 17 Class Connect Recording
• Section 4 (Optional/ Extra Credit) - Additional historical events
o Instructions are the same as for sections 2 and 3.

What to turn in

You will create a multi-media project. Examples of available media include
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Prezi
• Video
• Graphic novel
• Audio recording
• Newsletter – including both text and images
• Essay – written assignment (300 – 500 words)

Assignment Requirements

For each section, you will be required to include the following things.
• 75 – 100 words
o Present your event, research, and analysis
• Pictures and other images

User Schot
7.6k points

1 Answer

3 votes


How do you make a multi media story?

In order to have a successful multimedia story, it needs to have several elements that come together to play an important role. Create a storyboard.


When creating your storyboard, identify which medium can be used for which constituent part of your story.

Video. ...

Photos. ...

Audio. ...

Text. ...


Step-by-step explanation:

User Xwris Stoixeia
7.2k points