1. Everyone in the class (was, were) to give a report.
2. Either Felicia or Ellen (is, are) planning a hobo party.
3. (Does, Do) either of them know how to swim?
4 . (Does, Do) Allen or the girls in the class know why radium glows in the dark?
5. The length of these boats (are, is) twenty feet.
6. The number of immigrants in the United States (is, are) astounding.
7. Inside the door (stands, stand) severely undernourished kittens.
8. In the last few months, everyone in the courses (has, have) had to fill out an additional form.
9. One of the players (is, are) hurt.
10. Around the corner (sits, sit) among a group of strangers three frightened children.
11. The students in the algebra class (have, has) finished taking the exam.
12. (Do, Does) either of the girls own a bicycle?
13. Each of those jackets (costs, cost) too much.
14. Every one of these planes (carries, carry) fifty passengers.
15. Judy, along with the rest of the girls, (has, have) already gone to the banquet.
16. Each of the organizations (has, have) a faculty sponsor.
17. The infantry, which fights with portable weapons, (constitutes, constitute) the largest division.
18. Either Jerry or his brothers (ask, asks) more questions than is necessary.
19 . Either the orchestra or the choir (gives, give) two free concerts a year.
20 . If you sit quietly, there (is, are) a greater possibility of seeing the rare bird.
21. My neighbor and closest friend (is, are) Susan Willis.
22. Kim, Chris, and my brother Ed (think, thinks) that the Steelers will win.
23. Nobody in our class (wants, want) to be the moderator of the meeting.
24. Every one of my friends (has, have) read this fascinating book about planets.
25. Along the road (sits, sit) hidden among the bushes two newborn puppies.
26 . Under the old boards (was, were) a frightened mouse.