4 votes
Relative Humidity (%)

Heat Index
Temperature (°F)
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 118 110
40 80 81 83 85 88 91 94 97 101 105 109 114 119 124 130 136
45 80 82 84 87 89 93 96 100 104 109 114 119 124 130 137
50 81 83 85
88 91 95 99 103 108 113 118 124 131 137
55 81 84 86 89 93
97 101 106 112 117 124 130 137
60182 B
60 82 84 88 91
95 100 105 110 116 123 129 137
65 82 85 89
98 103 108 114 121 128 136
70 83 86 90 95 100 105 112 119 126 134
70 83 86 on
75 84 88 92
97 103 109 116 124 132
80 84 89 94 100 106 113 121 129
85 85 90 96 102 110 117 126 135
90 86 91 98 105 113 122 131
95 | 86 93 100 108 117 127
100 87 95 103 112 121 132
Likelihood of Heat Disorders with Prolonged Exposure or Strenuous Activity
Caution Extreme Caution
External Danger
1. Look at the figure above. What's the relative humidity percentage when the "real feel" is 108°F and the temperature is 96°F?
O A. 40
O B. 65
O C. 95
D. 50

Relative Humidity (%) Heat Index Temperature (°F) 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 118 110 40 80 81 83 85 88 91 94 97 101 105 109 114 119 124 130 136 45 80 82 84 87 89 93 96 100 104 109 114 119 124 130 137 50 81 83 85 88 91 95 99 103 108 113 118 124 131 137 55 81 84 86 89 93 97 101 106 112 117 124 130 137 60182 B-example-1

1 Answer

2 votes


D 50% is the correct answer

User Grigor Hakobyan
7.2k points