Here are some simple sentences that students wrote. Say them out loud. Some of them are cor-
rectly formed and some are not. Put a check (V) before the sentences that are correctly formed
and an X before the sentences that are not correctly formed. (FIRST COVER THE ANSWER BOX BELOW.)
1. It is a beautiful experience.
2. They speak to their parents every day.
3. We eating mangoes every day.
4. They close the store every night at dusk.
5. My grandparents smiling all the time at us.
6. The day was cloudy.
7. They spoken to us about their experiences.
8. The couple wanted three children.
9. I never forgotten my grandparents.
10. I stayed in bed till 10 AM
11. We will improve our writing in this class.
12. We to visit India next summer.
13. I will go to New York next winter
14. I to remember them always.