Answer: Why read literature? To many of us, that question seems as strange as asking “why breathe?” Literature has been part of our life, family, school,
and community for as long as we can remember. Of course, there are those who
argue that what today’s students need is preparation for the “real world,” but in the
push for practical university and workplace preparedness we sometimes overlook
the importance of educating students’ imaginations. Literature offers windows to
worlds outside students’ experience as well as mirrors onto the world they already
know. Literature also prepares students for the personal challenges and moral
dilemmas they are likely to face. How better to refl ect on the demands of contemporary life than to study William Wordsworth’s “The World Is Too Much with Us”
alongside Nathalie Handal’s “Caribe in Nueva York”? And does not the proffered
wisdom of William Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Seamus Heaney, and Rita Dove
provide important preparation for surviving and thriving in this complex world?
Literary analysis is an intellectual discipline that hones students’ thinking by
requiring them to probe a text deeply and analyze the means that writers employ
to achieve their effects. Along with preparing students for the rigors of an
Advanced Placement* exam, learning how to analyze text and articulate a perspective prepares students for life, both in academia and in the workplace. This
preparation and exploration are what we hope to achieve in Literature & Composition by specifi cally targeting the skills and habits of mind that are the keys to
success in an Advanced Placement Literature course.
Step-by-step explanation: