See explanation for answer.
Step-by-step explanation:
In the very first line, I highly recommend you take out the word “enough” only because you repeat that word in the second line of the poem which makes it sound wordy and repetitive.
In my personal opinion, I would change the line, “for god’s sake” to “for my sake” just so you don’t accidentally or even mildly offend anyone.
The usage of slang in your poem gives the poem a youthful “vibe” but if you want your poem to sound more finished and less like your just talking to someone then make sure to take out words like “aye and uh”.
Maybe when you say “love is love” say “love is you” so it doesn’t sound so repetitive.
Instead of calling yourself "heartless" maybe say "people call me heartless". Never put yourself down.
I love your rhyme scheme, you really thought out how to keep the poem going with internal rhymes, external rhymes, etc...and still have it make sense.
Overall, I truly love your poem and based on what I read it seems like you really care about this person.
I hope this helps!
Have a lovely day!